JSON Effects

To make beatmachine useful in non-Python contexts, it provides a flexible serialization system for representing and loading data-driven effects.

For example, in Python we might define an effect chain like so:

fx_chain = [RemoveEveryNth(period=5), RemapBeats(mapping=[0, 1, 0, 3])]

This is nice, but requires us to write code. In some situations, this might not be desirable. To address this, every valid effect can be deserialized from data. Here’s what our above effect chain would look like in JSON:

        "type": "remove",
        "period": 5
        "type": "remap",
        "mapping": [0, 1, 0, 3]

The most common use case is JSON, but in reality, any data format that can be read into a dict-like object also works. See EffectRegistry.load_effect_from_dict for more info.

Look in the effects module for a list of all effects. To write an effect as JSON, create an object with "type" corresponding to its __effect_name__ and a field for each parameter in __init__.